Friday, April 27, 2012

I'm glad we were here together in our nation's capital

Sometimes when I am in DC I cannot get the Forrest Gump voice out of my head.

This is a short trip, so there will be very few posts about it.

I'm going to some of the same spots I went to in January, only this time I have the little one. Maybe this is the warm-up trip for this summer. We went to the natural history museum yesterday. I told her about how the last time she was there she was scared to walk under the whale. So we walked under the whale. Then we went to the rocks and gems display. Giant quartz crystals are way more interesting than the Hope Diamond, which isn't really that big.
But the planets and other space stuff is always what keeps her interest the most.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I used to love natural history museums as a kid. And she has the right idea about shiny rocks.
