Friday, January 13, 2012


I dislike how almost all DC-area metro stations look alike inside.

Thomas Jefferson made a book called "The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth" by cutting up parts of the New Testament and pasting them together. He removed everything about miracles, resurrection, angels, prophecy, etc. It was just the story of Jesus the man and his teachings.

I left my favorite pillow in Arlington. I realized within a minute of stepping outside, but I had locked the door behind me. I will probably need to stop and get it on the way home - I'm not ready to break my dependence on it.

The Smithsonian Museum of American History had a little bit of flag waving nationalism but a lot less than I feared. The Air and Space Museum, however, was a bummer. Our country's development of aviation and the space program has really been all about the military. Plus it was hard to concentrate on taking a picture of the alternate moon lander thingy when the doors to the food court kept opening and letting that unique McDonalds smell out.

the "hang up signs" people and the "add paper towels to the bathroom" people really need to talk

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