Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 19: Las Cruces, New Mexico

From Phoenix we were off to Las Cruces, New Mexico. A 6 hour drive. Phoenix and the surrounding area had the big picturesque cacti, so that was neat.

We got a bit of a later start than I wanted with a longish drive ahead, but it worked out. Our couchsurfing host called us and said he had to work until 9ish, but that his fiancee would be home at 5 something. So she was there when we pulled up. We socialized for a few minutes, then she said her dance class got moved to that night, and would it be ok if she went? I said yes, and so we were completely alone in their apartment within 30 minutes of arrival. It's neat to meet someone so trusting.

I cooked dinner. Kiddo watched a movie and spazzed out about not wanting any of her available food choices. I thought I was making the quinoa I made way more attractive to her by having cut up baby corn and olives to put with it... but she still rejected the whole thing. Apparently olives are awesome, baby corn is awesome, but don't mix them. Got it.

My hosts were in their early 20s (but still had all the Saved by the Bell dvds!) and are going to have a mixed-faith wedding ceremony. She is a Christian; he was but converted to Islam a few years ago. Despite my fairly significant feeling of sleep deprivation, he and I stayed up late talking, most centering on ethics and life. He steered the conversation towards abortion... I get the feeling that he likes bringing that up with couchsurfers (maybe all the time, or maybe only if he's looking for a good topic of conversation). I couldn't tell how much he wanted to get a different perspective vs how much he wanted to spar, because I got both those feelings at various points. Anyway, I was sleepy but mostly made the points I wanted to make, despite my ineloquence. I don't think it's a 'winnable' topic (if there even is such a thing) if you're treating it like a debate. It's always going to come down to a few core beliefs that aren't going to be easily changed.

Rare external link! Will the Fetus Be Aborted by Jello Biafra and Mojo Nixon. Enjoy.


  1. And after she was so into the baby corn earlier!

    I'm kind of really uncomfortable knowing their are couchsurfing hosts who try to talk about abortion with all their guests. Maybe for them it could just be sparring practice, but what about, say, people who have had abortions who might want to use couchsurfing?

    1. I'm pretty sure you'd be able to successfully 'opt out' of that with this guy. He wasn't badgering or prying... he put it out there a bit and I contentedly went along with it (in fact, I hesitated about giving my own stance for awhile and just discussed it broadly before finally deciding I was comfortable enough).
