Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 28: DC

Our last stop was in the DC area with another old friend.

She's a Hello Kitty fan just as Kiddo is, so they always bond over that. She gave Kiddo a Hello Kitty stool to take home. And Kiddo got some awesome Hide and Seek time with my friend's significant other.

Dinner was the Whole Foods hot bar (thanks for unnecessarily putting cream in way too many dishes, guys) and birthday ice cream. Because at midnight, it was going to be my birthday.

Kiddo wanted plain noodles, which I was not thrilled about, but then she chose two random vegetables to go with it, so my faith was restored. Collard greens and beets! I think she doesn't actually like collards very much, but she has one really nice memory of eating them with us and therefore asks for them sometimes (and then just doesn't eat too many). Anyway, plain noodles + beets = pink noodles. Which is awesome. I only have crappy pictures from my phone, so it just looks like bad lighting.

My friend has a convertible, and Kiddo loved riding with the top down. Nice moment for the last night of the trip.
I had been thinking about talking myself of blowing off DC and just driving the last three hours home, but I am so glad I didn't. Again, enjoy an awful phone picture.

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