Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 25: Alabama

Leaving New Orleans was especially significant because it was all northeast from there.

I've always been interested in visiting the Deep South, but I suppose I need ideas about places to go in Mississippi and Alabama. The way the trip was structured, we did New Orleans and pretty much just started the drive home.

In New Orleans I downloaded a rough recording of a new song written by the rest of the band. I wrote a drum line by listening to my ipod while driving to Alabama.

Our host in Alabama told me they have other couchsurfers... I was curious since I'd be meeting someone I knew nothing about and hadn't even read the profile for, but I barely interacted with them (in fact, I don't even know how many of them there were). They were (I think) a family from Latvia, in Alabama for work. Apparently they wanted to stay for months and months, so they worked out a rental agreement with their host family. There were 4 dogs in the house.

Our host proposed we go to a Japanese restaurant, which turned out to be a Japanese/Chinese restaurant in a supermarket shopping center in suburban Alabama. I did not have high expectations. But hey, it was cheap! And Kiddo likes almost anything that's vegan and made of noodles.

They had sidewalk chalk in the shape of eggs, which Kiddo used on the driveway and then all over herself, predictably. They also gave us some Play-Doh that made for a new car toy over the next few days. 

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