Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 22: the Dallas area

Thoughts on the Dallas + Fort Worth area, and/or the trip in general:
  • Sprawl. Ridiculous sprawl. We got to the outside of Fort Worth and it still took us forever to get to our destination in between Dallas and Fort Worth. (per Wikipedia, the DFW area is bigger than Connecticut and Rhode Island combined)
  • We had a good time. Our couchsurfing hosts were fun adults that really enjoyed playing with Kiddo because they like acting like kids (in a good way). It was one of her favorite houses to be in.
  • We went to a grocery store named Tom Thumb. Which is not too exciting because it's just part of Safeway. Which also owns (or did own) Genuardi's in the Philly area. But it was kind of odd.
  • We successfully acquired and consumed vegan yogurt for the first time since Colorado.
  • America clearly has a problem with stuff. Across the whole country, everywhere I went, I saw storage facilities. So many people have so much stuff.
  • There are more Subway locations in America than any other fast food chain, even McDonald's. I had heard that before the trip but found it odd. But after seeing Subway on nearly every "food - next exit" sign across America, now I've seen it. Anyway, it's perfect for picking up a sandwich on the way to your storage facility to visit your stuff. 
  • Speaking of fast food, by this point of the trip we were eating lunch at Taco Bell every day. I don't have a lot of good things to say about that. But it happened. It was a thing.
  • Here are some pictures of the dust storm the day before in West Texas. Should have put them on that post, but then this one would have no pictures. And yes, of course I got out and took pictures. Cause it was my first dust storm (sounds like My Fischer Price First Dust Storm). And yes, I did get some dust in my eyes and mouth. But no, it wasn't too bad.

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